Sunday, December 16, 2007

Remembering a Day of Opposites

I love this enticing view on the way to the beach- it's a glimpse into the day ahead- it's the transition from leaving the city and the fast pace- then a short boat ride later, you're on the island and after only a few minutes you see this. Is there anything better than a day at the beach?

August, 2007

Took the ferry to Hanlon's Point on Toronto Island today. I don't think the day could be more perfect. The sun shines without hesitation- no clouds to obscure it- just a beautiful beach- where people join to worship it.

Now back to reality- southern Ontario is having its first major snowstorm of the year. The roads are more than treacherous- they are slow to be plowed and desolate. It is a day to hibernate, drink hot chocolate, maybe read a bit and remember the beach from not so many months ago.