Monday, October 5, 2009

Repeat After Me-

Some things I need to remind myself of -

Buying people things- does no make them like/ love you more. They like you or love you or do neither because of who you are. Buying things will not change anything- and quite often things given will be forgotten quickly-

Most people are inherantly selfish/ self-absorbed/ self-centred. I do not want to live my life that way, if I can chose- but for most people, their life and happiness is all that counts.

My body needs whole foods, some dairy, fruits and vegetables,protein and lot of water. Desserts/ sugars/ sweets do not help the body function.

Having a stocked fridge is not necessarily a sign you're ok financially. Having enough to eat is all you need- stockpilng is not needed if you have money in the bank.

Alone does not mean lonely. Most people cannot stand to be alone- alone does not mean "loser" does not mean you're not loved. Alone is temporary.

Do IT today. Stop losing yourself in meaningless tasks.

Get out- even doing things by yourself is better for you than staying at home. Force yourself to meet people, go and do things and challenge yourself more.

Bills first, and save for other things that are important. Debt free by 43rd Birthday!

Judge less. Love more. Accept the things I cannot change. or at least try . . .

FREE HUGS - Don't be Afraid

So by now, most people have seen the "Free Hugs" Campaign video(s) on YouTube. Well- I think this is an awesome idea and it has been a long time coming! Europeans have been doing the double-kiss greeting for years. It has even caught on a bit here in North America- moreso in Canada I believe- especially in Quebec! Personally, I think this is a great thing.
Human contact is one of the necessities of a fulfilled life. A strong, full-embrace, warm hug, - well there's just nothing better. It's the physical way of saying "I'll protect you" Hi, I care", "Really nice to see you", "I've missed you" "I love you". Wow! One gesture can be such a positive thing!
It would be nice to see people, especially guys get over the fact that this is not a sexual advance, it should not threaten their sexuality- it is human contact- between friends, acuaintances, family and yes, of course, lovers too. Hug someone. You'll be glad you did. One hug, like a picture, can be worth 1000 words.
Remember- Something as simple as a hug can change somone's day. I Dare you!!

Some New Important Quotes- to get Us Thinking

If a friend misses your birthday - do you let that upset you - or should you love the friend unconditionally and accept their faults along with their good qualities?

This is what I am looking for- someone to wrap their arms around me- comfort me, tell me everything will be ok and make me smile from ear to ear-

"Misfortne shows those who are not really friends" - Aristotle

Do you have friends who are always there when there's a party going on- or it's the weekend and you have a cottage? - or you want to do something you love- and don't want to do it alone- so you call someone you know who will want to do it too? There's a big difference between these people and someone who can sense when you've had a bad day and ask how you are- and then listen. Friends are people you can trust to help you out- or will give you advice that you know comes from the heart- even if you do not want to hear it. A Real Friend knows that friendship is a 2-way street, that both must help and support, both must make an effort, but can share the wonder that is friendship [unconditional love].

So here's a question-

"What do you do IF you feel you have a friend you cannot always count on- or who can make you feel alone or who is a friend when it is convenient to them. What then? People do not easily change- so do you hope things will get better or do you move on and cherish what you did enjoy from the friendship? Comments please.

If I Had Control- I Would

  • make sure children took a class in school entitled "Friendship 101". Classes would include things like / simple ways to make people feel loved and respected/ how to make time for others/ how to judge less and be empathetic/ how to offer help without demeaning/ how to have equality in a friendship/ how to listen [and hear everything] / how to use physical contact to show care and concern/

  • make sure young adults took another class entitled "Personal Finances- The Future is Yours to Determine" including such lectures as / Money is a head, not heart issue/ Shopping is not a coping strategy/ Shopping is not Entertainment/ Generosity starts at Home/ Pay yourself first! /

  • ask that Manners be emphasized more in day to day life. Showing respect for others- whether they have earned it or not- is necessary for communities to work. Simple things like holding the door for someone, saying Hello while passing on the street, thanking someone for going out of their way to make your life better- even if it is as simple as letting you merge into traffic or putting $.25 in your parking meter. Better yet, teach people that saying "Sorry" when they have hurt someone or made a mistake or whatever it is. Saying sorry and genuinely meaning it can improve so many relationships and does not have to hurt the pride of the person saying it. Say it- and mean it and watch your relationships improve because of it.

* I will add more to this list as I get my thoughts in order. Bear with me- I am sure there are lots more.

Disappointed- What Cheers Me Up???

Well- I've had a few days recently where I've been a bit disappointed in the world. I guess the world itself is not the problem- and I get mad at myself for allowing certain things that I cannot change to bother me. I hate that my happiness depends on someone else- I KNOW this should NOT be the case. I close all e-mails with "Happiness Depends on Us!" and here I am falling victim to being upset because someone close to me always seems to have the control. I'm not even sure I am explaining this well- but it's tough one.
Anyways- more on that later- for now I am going to post some pictures that make me happy. If any of the pictures posted makes you feel happy or speaks to you in some way, please feel free to comment!
Ok, so now looking at the pictures I have chosen to post - I realize how crazy and strange the mix is! Any of you who have been following along [and I have 1 follower officially- which is okay as I never intended for this to be public] will know that beaches, sun, sand, waves etc. all make me happy. So, of course some of the pics show those things.
I coach for a living- something I love on most days- something that has been good to me in many ways- but something I would definitely caution people about. Anyways, I do have much respect for athletes in general- but gymnasts, divers, dancers in particular. I cannot believe the bounds that people can push and the artistry that is portrayed when watching these athletes. There are a couple of pictures showing athleticism- one of a diver- the other of a gymnast just walking on a beach. Even in something as simple as that- there is real beauty.
Finally, a pet peeve of mine . . . I tend to get discouraged when I see people who seem to feel they are the exceptions, they are more entitled than others or that rules just don't apply to them. I hate it when people park in handicapped spaces when they are fully capable of walking the extra even 50 feet to go shop. People who park in the "No parking- Tow Away Zone" right in front of a store irk me even more- seriously- what if everyone decided they were going to do that?? No one would be able to get into the place- I just do not get it- anyways- so I posted the sign- which I would LOVE to actually see posted- just to make people think a bit more- unfortunately I think it is the people doing this that would not think it even applies to them- they are so self-absorbed.
Ok- so not sure I am any happier now after that last rant- hmm- maybe I'll look for more. Let me know what you think . . .

Been Ages- Why start again?

Well- as I look back- it has been a long long time since I last took the time to write my thoughts down. I guess it makes sense- in some ways. Summer is always a busy time- and an enjoyable time for me- so it was better spent out at the beach or, of course, getting ready to move, moving and cleaning up after the move- YIPPEE! That was total sarcasm by the way. Moving sucks- no matter how you look at it-

But, having said that, I am quite happy with my new place. Though it is not how I would like it to be, I can see it has potential. It's a small place- some character- and it is all mine- which I think is the main thing. Watch for future updates on my place- as they become available.

So much has happened in the past 9 months. I will try and post some of the things I have been up to- I can imagine headings like these . . . . Another Side of Hamilton, My Favorite Place, Portugal on My Mind, On Swimming, I Deserve More, Why Is It so Hard to Say Sorry?, How Will I retire, Look Inside First, Neighbours, Happiness Depends on Me, My Goals at This Time, St. Petersburg Russia in November, World Championships- Who Could Have Seen This Coming?, Friends Across the World, and I am sure there will be many more . . .

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

More Awesome Facts About the Human Body- some new stuff- Did you know?

-Scientists say the higher your I.Q. The more you dream.
-The largest cell in the human body is the female egg and the smallest is the male sperm.
-You use 200 muscles to take one step.
-The average woman is 5 inches shorter than the average man.
-Your big toes have two bones each while the rest have three.
-A pair of human feet contains 250,000 sweat glands.
-A full bladder is roughly the size of a soft ball.
-The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve razor blades.
-The human brain cell can hold 5 times as much information as the Encyclopedia Britannica.
-It takes the food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach.
-The average human dream lasts 2-3 seconds.
-Men without hair on their chests are more likely to get cirrhosis of the liver than men with hair.
-At the moment of conception, you spent about half an hour as a single cell.
-There is about one trillion bacteria on each of your feet.
-Your body gives off enough heat in 30 minutes to bring half a gallon of water to a boil.
-The enamel in your teeth is the hardest substance in your body.
-Your teeth start growing 6 months before you are born
-When you are looking at someone you love, your pupils dilate, and they do the same when you are looking at someone you hate.
-Your thumb is the same length of your nose.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Is it Summer Yet?

So- it's January, it's dull and grey, snow sits on the ground getting darker all the time. The sunlight, when it's out is crisp and clean and it reminds me of summer- except for the bitter cold. I would give just about anything to be lying on a hot, white-sand beach right about now. Sun beating down from 7am til past 9 in the evening. Warmth that goes right through you instead of cold that hangs on in your feet and fingers. Lying in the heat, skin turning bronze and sipping drinks for a bit of relief.

How To Assess A Life-

How does one assess their life? Were you successful? Does it matter how many people show up at your funeral or how many friends you have on Facebook? How many lives have you touched? Do you have a legacy that will carry on? - and does that matter so long as you've paid some positive things forward, so that others can do the same?
Well, as a gay man who does not now see himself having shildren of my own, I know that my family name will not carry on except through my brothers and their families. I do think that I would have made a good parent- likely one of those slightly over-protective but very caring parents. I have to say that if there's one thing that I do not understand in this day and age, is how people have kids who do not really seem to be interested in helping their kids become great people and positive citizens of the world. I know that sounds lofty, but today it is a relatively easy thing to do. Open the world up to them and let them know about the endless possibilities are for them.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Who Loves You?

It's a great question- and one that is rather important. Of course, many people throw that word around quite easily. They sign every note or letter, "Love ya, whomever" but of course there are varying degrees of love.
Who loves you - so much that they would drop everything they are doing to be with you? Who loves you enough to sacrifice for you? It doesn't always have to be a grand gesture, sometimes it's just a warm hug out of the blue. It's funny how much people need to touch. To give a hug to someone that needs one is to provide medicine to their soul. But there are people out there who do not get enough! I now understand why people have pets. Often, I think the pets are an outlet to love. I think there are people who have pets for their unconditional love. No matter how bad their day was or how bad they are feeling, they can walk in the door and be greeted by a wagging tail and a big furry hug if they need it.
I forget exactly how much the lack of touch affected the monkeys in that study done ages ago, but I know the effect was profound. It sounds funny, but I don't want to be one of those monkeys who is deprived of physical touch. I know lots of people who wouldn't miss a hand on their shoulder, or can be quite happy without that connection, but being a person who thrives on touch, being without feels a bit like living half a life.
I cannot get a dog. My lifestyle would not be fair to one, but there are times when I wish I could have one here to soften the blow of a long, hard and difficult day.

If I can make a suggestion, hug more today than usual. Think of whose day you might brighten up just by showingthem a little affection. Wrap yourself in a friend's arms and savour the moment. Sometimes they are few and far between.