Friday, September 12, 2008

Contemplation 101

I think everyone knows a friend or family member who always needs to be around people- and/or always needs to have a boyfriend or girlfriend if they are not already attached in some way. I have never been that type of person, though I have certainly known a few.

Personally, I have always been the person who, when around a number of people for any length of time, needs to escape to somewhere on my own to regroup and gather my thoughts. This is particularly important since I work in a field where I am surrounded by tons of people for hours at a time. It takes me hours and hours to unwind at the end of the day.
I do not like to make rash or quick decisions- I like a thought to "evolve" and gradually come to see an outcome for a question I may be mulling over. I need for things to "feel right" and often let my heart overrule my head.
In order to think thoughtfully, [I know that sounds weird] but you can't force yourself to think- but need to be in a position to let your mind open up and let the trains of thought roll around a bit and sort themselves out. For me, I find being around water helps- be it a dock by a lake, a hot tub at the Y or lying on a beach in the hot sun. All of these situations are where I do my best thinking. I think this is where my mind is at rest; where day to day issues are left behind and real issues come to light. Give me rolling waves and a warm beach anyday.

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