Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happiness Is . . . .

Happiness is having just one great friend. One friend you can really talk to, that you can trust to be honest with you and will care for you and support you no matter what is way more important than having a bunch of fair-weather friends.

Happiness is having a chance to travel to different parts of the world. So far it has been the US, Germany, Belgium, Russia, Poland, Portugal, Dominican Republic, and luckily most of Canada. Of course there are a lot of other countries on the "To Go" list, but that's what the future is for.

Happiness is having a place that's my own. I do not yet own a home, but eventually I hope to own some property and a little place just mine! It doesn't have to be anything fancy- just a place to hang my hat, call home-base and feel totally content being there. I think owning land and a house is one of the most empowering things a person can do.

Happiness is knowing that some of the people you do nice things for, really appreciate the effort. And, it's not just big gestures that count, going that extra mile or spending a few extra bucks to do something nice can mean just as much. Of course, just spending time and being there for them when they need someone to talk to, being there to bounce ideas off, or tell their dreams to all are important.

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