Wednesday, November 12, 2008

PROCRASTINATION! Aaaagggghhhhh. . . . Why is it always so tough to do what we KNOW we NEED TO DO?

Laziness? Selfishness? What do we really get out of procrastinating?
In some sense, procrastination gives us some sense of control over our lives. We get to chose what we are going to do at this moment- or an hour from now, or next week. The problem is that what procrastination does is ultimately force us to do things at the last minute- taking away our choice at that moment.
Procrastination can cost us a lot more than that. What happens when you pay a credit card late? What happens when you put off work to play on the internet? What if you delay your car's oil changes or postpone doctor's appointments? Ultimately all of these things can really hurt us.
So, what makes one put things off? Are the repercussions not enough to sway us? What needs to happen to drive us to do the things we can do now, now?

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