Wow, life has changed so much in 100 years! Even the past 30 years has had an incredible amount of innovations- new ideas and technology all of which have been created to make our lives better and more efficient, though arguments can certainly be made to the contrary.
Imagine back to the "simpler" [slower/ quieter/ harder??] times 100 years ago. Was the quality of life better or worse? Certainly everyone- including children did more manual labour. Life was work- physical work but was there less stress as we know it today? Was having a crop fail because of bad weather any less stressful than failing a University course exam? Would giving birth at home be better or worse than not having a family Doctor at all?
Peruse the pictures, only a handful of the hundreds or so I took while visiting a local "Pioneer Village" and think back. Imagine what trials and tribulations you'd experience. Are we better off? Comments appreciated.