Friday, January 9, 2009

Who Loves You?

It's a great question- and one that is rather important. Of course, many people throw that word around quite easily. They sign every note or letter, "Love ya, whomever" but of course there are varying degrees of love.
Who loves you - so much that they would drop everything they are doing to be with you? Who loves you enough to sacrifice for you? It doesn't always have to be a grand gesture, sometimes it's just a warm hug out of the blue. It's funny how much people need to touch. To give a hug to someone that needs one is to provide medicine to their soul. But there are people out there who do not get enough! I now understand why people have pets. Often, I think the pets are an outlet to love. I think there are people who have pets for their unconditional love. No matter how bad their day was or how bad they are feeling, they can walk in the door and be greeted by a wagging tail and a big furry hug if they need it.
I forget exactly how much the lack of touch affected the monkeys in that study done ages ago, but I know the effect was profound. It sounds funny, but I don't want to be one of those monkeys who is deprived of physical touch. I know lots of people who wouldn't miss a hand on their shoulder, or can be quite happy without that connection, but being a person who thrives on touch, being without feels a bit like living half a life.
I cannot get a dog. My lifestyle would not be fair to one, but there are times when I wish I could have one here to soften the blow of a long, hard and difficult day.

If I can make a suggestion, hug more today than usual. Think of whose day you might brighten up just by showingthem a little affection. Wrap yourself in a friend's arms and savour the moment. Sometimes they are few and far between.

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