Monday, October 5, 2009

Repeat After Me-

Some things I need to remind myself of -

Buying people things- does no make them like/ love you more. They like you or love you or do neither because of who you are. Buying things will not change anything- and quite often things given will be forgotten quickly-

Most people are inherantly selfish/ self-absorbed/ self-centred. I do not want to live my life that way, if I can chose- but for most people, their life and happiness is all that counts.

My body needs whole foods, some dairy, fruits and vegetables,protein and lot of water. Desserts/ sugars/ sweets do not help the body function.

Having a stocked fridge is not necessarily a sign you're ok financially. Having enough to eat is all you need- stockpilng is not needed if you have money in the bank.

Alone does not mean lonely. Most people cannot stand to be alone- alone does not mean "loser" does not mean you're not loved. Alone is temporary.

Do IT today. Stop losing yourself in meaningless tasks.

Get out- even doing things by yourself is better for you than staying at home. Force yourself to meet people, go and do things and challenge yourself more.

Bills first, and save for other things that are important. Debt free by 43rd Birthday!

Judge less. Love more. Accept the things I cannot change. or at least try . . .

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