Friday, October 24, 2008

Watch a lot of YouTube? Here's One of the Best Ideas in a Long Time

A while back I found a very cool and well-visited video on YouTube. It starts out with some kinda catchy music but it's a bit depressing. Luckily by the end it is encouraging to see how well the idea catches on. I know this has now been duplicated thousands of times all over the world, but honestly, it is a great idea.
In an age where teachers cannot touch a student for fear of it being taken the wrong way, it is refereshing to see that people can see how harmless but also how POWERFUL a hug is. It is a physical connection to others. It is a way to help and support those who maybe have had a long day
Check out the video now. The address is:

Please, pass this info along- but also send me your comments!

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