Thursday, October 30, 2008

Decisions- Every Day

Well- last night a HUGE decision was made. As a Canadian, the US elections do not usually get me too interested- though I would have loved to see Bush NOT get a 2nd term BUT, I have to say THIS US election has had my interest.
The new President of the USA is Barack Obama. I saw his first speech as President- saw him come out on stage in from of hundreds of thousands in Chicago with his wife and his 2 daughters and without a lot of pomp and circumstance, addressed not only the win but also continued to outline the challenges facing the US as a group of people in a very regal, confident and yet understaed way.

He spoke eloquently, and the crowd ate it up. You could see the PRIDE, their HOPE and their CONFIDENCE in this man- not this "politician" but this man. I have often thought that the US's
has been a big issue. Other countries in the world certainly seem to take issue with the US and their "self-importance" and . I have this feeling that this will be a time of BIG CHANGE. I think Barack will open doors that would have been closed had McCain been President.

This will be a very interesting period. I have to say that I am optimistic/ hopeful that the US will change for the better. I am also hoping that US/ Canadian relations improve and that the US starts to understand that it is important to understand your neighbours, and that you can possibly learn from them. I think this decision, made by the people of the USA, is a good one!

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