Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What Will You Remember?

Picture yourself, 20/30/40 or even 50 years from now- you're sitting on the rocker on your front porch. The sun dapples through the fall colored leaves in your front yard and the cool breeze lets you drift off while rocking back and forth.

The big question is- as you look back over the years- What parts of your life will you remember?

Can you remember your first day of school? Will you remember your first date or first kiss? OR Will your first car come back to mind? Luckily most of us tend to forget the challenges we've had- the arguments that have distressed us and the disappointments- or at least that is the way it should be.

There are people out there who dwell on how things have not gone the way they wanted- or how they've been wronged by others. Sometimes these people take no responsibility for their own life and where they are. Sometimes, these people focus so hard on what is wrong in their life that they fail to see what good there is, or fail to move past something that should not be a life-long concern.

I chose to remember the good times. And, because I do not have a great memory at times, I have found ways to reference those good times so I will remember the best times of my life. I try and give myself new adventures and things to look forward to. So . . . . what things will you remember about your life? Are you making your life the adventure it was intended to be?

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